Moving Forward
A short announcement on what I’m going to do with this website and social media going forward. After much deliberation, I’ve come to the following decisions.
1: This website will function as a photo gallery website. Apart from the Home Gallery, I’ll set up yearly galleries and update throughout the year. When a new photo is added to the gallery, it’ll be announced by publishing a post (with the photo included).
[UPDATE in August 2024] I didn’t go ahead with creating yearly galleries and announcing by publishing a post. Instead, I’ve restarted POTM (Photo of the Month) posts, sharing the best photo from each month (I’ll skip when there isn’t any good photo to share 😅).
2: My previous blog posts (e.g. “Turning 50” series, etc.) have been removed and now moved to my Medium for archiving purposes.
3: General blogging will be only done on my Tumblr (active since 2014). I’ve set up a Tumblr feed on this website so that anyone without a Tumblr account can also view my latest photos posted.
I’ve been flip-flopping a lot since late 2021 😅, but I’m hoping that I’ll stick to these formats going forward. Thank you for your support!
Looks like I’ll need to install Tumblr again so I can still see your posts!
No worries, I’m planning to make new posts whenever adding photos to Yearly Gallery and/or Home Gallery. Besides, I’ll surely share new photos on Twitter!
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